Are you planning to acquire a company?

We will gladly help you find a buyer and guide you through the entire process

How can we help you?

On the buyer side, we help institutional clients, investment companies and funds, as well as clients from among individual investors.

Why to buy a company through InBase?

žádná provize

You only pay the purchase price of the business

If you choose from our offer of companies for sale, you pay nothing for mediation of the acquisition. We work on the basis of a success fee from the seller, so the business will cost you exactly as much as if you had found it yourself.

ochrana před neseriózními prodejci

Protection from rogue
s sellers of companies

We are not an advertising portal! Company listings are created by our business brokers, based on company documents and communication with the owners, so that they correspond as closely as possible to reality.

nabídky pro každého

Offers suitable for everyone

You may be a company looking to expand, a professional investor or an employee who is tired of doing things for others. Here you will find companies of various sizes and focus.

As a buyer, you pay no commission. In addition, for free:

  • We will provide all necessary information about the company
  • We will enable communication and meetings with the business owner
  • We will be at your disposal during the due diligence
  • We will create a draft of transaction documentation
  • We will also provide attorney escrow for the transfer price


What will the process of buying a company cost me?

If you choose from the current InBase offer, you do not pay anything for mediation as a buyer. Of course, there are often additional costs associated with buying a business, the amount of which depends on the extent to which you will require external help. These are mainly the costs of due diligence (legal, accounting and tax review of the company) as well as legal support in the creation or revision of transfer documents.

How long will the purchase process take?

Once you have found a company you are interested in and agreed with the seller on the preliminary terms of sale, the time it takes to complete the transaction depends on the speed of both parties. For smaller companies, it usually takes 1-3 months. The longest part will be the due diligence of the company, and then the preparation and revision of the transfer documents.

How do I find out the value of the company I am buying?

There is no exact answer to this question, mainly because it is mainly a subjective view of the benefit of the given acquisition for the buyer. There are several calculation options, but they are usually based on the company's historical results, and currently most companies are sold for 2-5 times the average EBITDA indicator. The value can then be influenced by many factors, such as the value of the property, the state of the working capital, the position in the market, or any significant risks. You can find out an estimate of the value of the company you are interested in for free via the valuation calculator on our website.

What if I am not interested in anything on the web offer?

If nothing from the current offer is suitable for you, it is certainly a good idea to contact us. We will be happy to note your preferences and as soon as something appears that might interest you, we will contact you. It can also be non-public offers or offers from our partners that you cannot normally find on our website. If you do not have specific preferences, we recommend subscribing to the newsletter, which will regularly inform you about all fresh offers.

Can you also actively search for companies?

If you have a clear idea of what you want and nothing from our current offer suits you, we can also arrange to actively search and approach companies. According to your preferences, we will search for all suitable companies on the market and approach them one by one with a buyout offer. In this case, maintaining your anonymity is a big advantage until you find out that the company is really suitable for you and is interested in negotiating a sale.

I found a suitable company, but I need help with the process.

Of course, that's not a problem. We will be happy to guide you through the entire process and provide advice in all directions. It is common practice to have an advisor on the buyer's side as well, so you can certainly use our experience to make the intended acquisition work out exactly as you envisioned it.

I have more questions

Choosing a business to acquire is not an easy matter

If you do not choose from our offer, we have several options to further help you find the right company for you. Subscribing to the newsletter, submitting an acquisition request, or actively searching for companies to acquire - all of this can help you find the company you want as quickly as possible.

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