How to buy a company with InBase?

With us you will find the right company

5 steps to buying a business from our database

databáze podniků

1. Browse our database of companies for sale

In our database you will find businesses of different categories. Each business is provided with a brief description of the activity, basic financial information and list of assets. You can choose the one that appears to be the most suitable for you and contact us through the form.

odevzdáme informace

2. We will provide you with company identification and other information

Once you show interest in any of our listings, we'll be happy to send you more specific business information. However, we can only disclose these information after signing the confidentiality agreement we will send to you. At this stage, it is sufficient for us to receive signed copy of it by e-mail.

domluvíme schůzku

3. We will arrange a meeting with the seller

When you properly analyze the information and decide that the company is still interesting for you, we will arrange a meeting with the seller. Several meetings can follow to make you better acquainted with the owner and his business.

proběhne due dilligence

4. A due diligence will be conducted

The next step should be to examine all financial, operational and other aspects of the company. You can carry out a due diligence with our help yourself or with your chosen due diligence specialist.

zajistíme právní záležitosti

5. You can leave legal matters to us

As part of our services for the seller we also create all the transfer documents related to the sale of the company, escrow account and registration of the transfer to the public register. Therefore, if you do not agree differently with the seller, you can leave these matters to us.