Potential revenues CZK 965 million
EBT CZK 145 million
Potential IRR 7.5 %
Profit margin 15 %
Area 15 171 m2
The subject of the sale is an investment plot for the construction of family houses and terraced houses without a zoning decision. The land is located in Dolní Počernice in Prague 9.
The proposed volume of the plan is 42 family houses (possibility of selling land for individual construction) and 47 terraced houses.
The plan expects an IRR of 7.5 % and an EBT ratio of CZK 145 million.
We offer land in cooperation with a partner, an expert in investment real estate in the Czech Republic. In case of interest, we can send a detailed calculation of the investment plan and more detailed documents for the plan.
The price of the land does not include a commission, which will be agreed with the potential buyer after expressing interest.
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