Annual profit CZK 1,400,000
Potential annual yield 6.5 %
Capacity utilization 93 %
Usable area 2 242 m2
History 20 years
The subject of the sale is a multifunctional commercial property. It is a combination of:
Office and residential premises are located in a three-storey building. The production premises are located in a one-storey building which is connected to the already mentioned three-storey building.
As for the above-mentioned residential premises, they are divided into two separate residential units, which include a shared laundry, 2 garages, storage space and outdoor seating. The production area is home to a printing company with many years of history and office space is rented to several companies with their headquarters. Currently, out of a total of 2,242 m2, only 150 m2 of office space is not leased.
The investment property was renovated 20 years ago and since then it has been used just for rent. All equipment in the rented premises is the property of tenants. The building is very easily accessible (car, public transport, train).
There are 20 parking places in front of the building, other places are in the closed courtyard of the building with a reinforced handling area. The buildings are fully functional, without any legal defects.
Tenants have long established their business and do not plan to interrupt their activities even after the transfer of ownership to a new landlord. Contracts with tenants are signed for an indefinite period of three months.
The property is not burdened by any loan and together it is owned by 8 individuals. Of course, 100% commercial property is available for purchase.
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