Annual profit CZK 7,422,000
Potential annual yield 6 %
Capacity utilization 100 %
Usable area 3,052 m2
The subject of the sale are three residential income real estate, in the form of the asset deal:
Object A
Object B
Object C
The total floor area of apartments in the estates is 2,602 m2, with an estimated yield per m2 of potential revenue of CZK 7,182,000 per year. The commercial area is 450 m2 and the revenue from it is estimated at CZK 240,000 per year. The potential for the total annual income from all properties is therefore CZK 7,422,000.
The capacity of properties B and C is currently fully rented. The capacity of building A is currently being filled and is planned at full occupancy upon sale.
With the offered sales price of CZK 123,500,000, the buyer can therefore expect an annual yield of almost 6% p.a.
The price of the property does not include a commission, which will be agreed with the potential buyer after expressing interest.
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