Annual profit 8 934 000 CZK
Potential annual return 10%
Total number of units 106
Number of units for reconstruction 71
ROI 10 years
The subject of the sale is a package of 106 apartments intended for rent in Varnsdorf, now empty. Approximately 35 of them have already been reconstructed and can be rented immediately.
These apartments are located in Varnsdorf in a small housing estate in a residential area, in 4 apartment buildings, each with 51 housing units. The current owner has a majority in each apartment building so that he can decide on the operation of the house.
Composition of flats:
3x 3+kk (79.4 m2, 3 balconies each),
48x 2+kk (two variants 45 m2 and 54.8 m2 – apartments have either one or two balconies),
55x 1+kk (again two variants of 26 m2 and 30m2 – apartments are with and without loggia)
Calculated rent without services (advances for 1 unit are 1,600 – 2,000 / month):
1+kk 6,500 / m
2+kk 7.500 / m
3+kk 9,000 / m
The rent is set at a reasonable center, rents in the city are more expensive.
35 units are currently after reconstruction, 71 before reconstruction. The costs of the reconstruction of 1 unit is pre-negotiated at 120,000 / unit as standard. The pre-negotiated price is with the company that reconstructed the first 35 units.
Calculated monthly income: 744,500 CZK
Calculated annual income: 8,934,000 CZK
The stated price is already reduced by the price of the unfinished reconstruction of 71 flats: 8,520,000 CZK
In November, a meeting was held with representatives of the city and they are interested in maximum cooperation and at the same time will support the revitalization of paths and green areas (landscaping) in this housing estate + will begin the reconstruction of apartments owned by the city.
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