Annual rental income CZK 6,700,000
Annual profit of CZK 4,500,000
Net annual yield 5.2 %
Capacity utilization 100 %
Total rea 16 000 m2
The subject of the sale is a company owning a warehouse with a strategic location near a larger city and roads. It is an area of approximately 16 thousand. square meters. The area includes several warehouse and production halls. One of the buildings is partly used for administrative purposes.
The buildings of the area were built around the 1980s and are still in very good condition. The interiors of the halls are well maintained, the halls have been in permanent operation since the beginning. In recent years, several reconstructions have taken place.
The company has several (<10) long-term tenants with whom contracts are of indefinite duration. The structure of tenants is relatively stable.
The sales of the company owning the premises consist only of rent payments paid by tenants. The company’s expenses include:
The company’s annual expenditures are approximately CZK 2.6 million.
Tangible assets and property
Yearly revenue
Other informationHistory: more than 20 years Legal form: a.s. Subject of sale: 100% shares |
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