The subject of the sale is an established company specializing in service, warranty and post-warranty repairs of pumps, installation of various types of pumps and equipment of filling stations. The company has a long tradition in this field (25+ years) and a good reputation in the market. In addition to pump repairs, the company also supplies technological equipment for wastewater pumping stations, wastewater treatment plants and water distribution systems.
The company works with various types of pumps, such as:
The company employs a trained and qualified work assembly team with many years of experience.
The company owns three production halls, one of which serves as a mechanical workshop equipped with machinery used for pump repairs, one serves as a pump test room and one as a hall for the production of pump parts and components. All properties are included in the price of the company.
The company is based on the high quality of its services, as evidenced by the ISO: 9001 certification. The owner in the company only takes care of the supervision of employees, but the operational functioning of the company is independent of the owner.
Tangible assets
Intangible assets
Real estate
Total annual sales
Annual profit (EBITDA)
Other informations
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