A technology company running its own e-mailing application


listing nr.: 190016

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Valuation 99 000 € (2 500 000 CZK)
Net debtNet debt is an indicator of a company's indebtedness. It is expressed as the amount of the interest-bearing loan minus the cash in the company.
0 €
Revenues estimate Revenues express the total annual volume of the company's performance, which the company obtained through the sale of goods and services during the accounting period.
55 000 €
HistoryDuration of business operation.
11 years
EBITDA estimate EBITDA is a financial indicator of the company's operational performance. Annual EBITDA is expressed as earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation in a given year.
on request
EmployeesThe number of employees employed in the company on a permanent employment contract as of the date of publication of the offer.

Basic information

The subject of the sale is a 100% share in a company focused on the development and operation of a web application for mass mailing of marketing emails. This technology company for sale was founded about 5 years ago and develops proven and original Czech software.

The main product of the company is an e-mailing tool owned by the company, while the development and improvement of the product takes place continuously during the entire period of operation of the company. The e-mailing tool has been tested for a long time and adapted to the conditions for operation in Central Europe. More than half a billion marketing emails have already been sent through the application.

The company mainly focuses on markets in Central Europe, the target customer segments are e-commerce and corporations. Customers include large Czech and multinational companies that use the company’s services for a long time.

The owners agree to cooperate in the transitional period after the sale and are willing to help as much as possible with the smooth implementation of the company, during a period of 3-6 months. In the transition period, cooperation is expected especially in taking over clients, infrastructure for operation and development of the application.

The reason for the sale is the owners’ lack of time to develop the project further and the orientation of their activities to other projects. The owners also allow the possibility of selling only the application without the company, or only the transfer of the current clientele.

Tangible property

  • hardware

Intangible assets

  • software – tuned mailing application
  • portfolio of regularly paying customers
  • client contacts
  • contact database
  • ISO certification
  • web presentation


  • number of employees 1x HPP


  • none, all debts will be paid before the sale

Total annual sales

  • 2017: 1.5 million CZK
  • 2018: 1.4 million CZK
  • 2019: 1.7 million CZK
  • 2020: 1.8 million CZK
  • 2021: 2.5 million CZK
  • as of 31/10/2022: 1.9 million CZK

Annual profit (EBITDA)

  • 2019: 446 thousand CZK
  • 2020: 402 thousand CZK
  • 2021: 834 thousand CZK
  • as of 31.10.2022: 344 thousand CZK

Other information

Length of operation: 6 years

Reason for sale: orientation of the owners to other projects

Legal form: s.r.o.

Subject of sale: 100% business share / possibly only clientele / possibly product

I am interested

Ing. Tomáš Šuverík

managing director

+420 731 788 155

If you are interested, contact us!

We will be happy to provide you with more detailed information after signing a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).