Successful construction and trading company


listing nr.: 210025

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Valuation Negotiable
Net debtNet debt is an indicator of a company's indebtedness. It is expressed as the amount of the interest-bearing loan minus the cash in the company.
0 €
Revenues Revenues express the total annual volume of the company's performance, which the company obtained through the sale of goods and services during the accounting period.
1 700 000 €
HistoryDuration of business operation.
16 years
EBITDA EBITDA is a financial indicator of the company's operational performance. Annual EBITDA is expressed as earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation in a given year.
100 000 €
EmployeesThe number of employees employed in the company on a permanent employment contract as of the date of publication of the offer.

Basic information

The subject of the sale is a 100% stake in a well-established and successful company focused on construction and trade activities. The company focuses on the implementation of complete constructions, especially on reinforced concrete structures and the use of foam glass. As part of its construction activities, the company carries out various buildings, family houses and also civil engineering. The trade activity is mainly focused on the sale of foam glass.

The company has been on the market for more than 10 years, during which it has managed more than 200 successful implementations and has become a specialist in its field on the market.

The company currently employs 4 executives in the following positions: director, construction manager, trade and calculations of constructions and sale of foam glass. Also more than 10 self-employed people who are fully occupied with work for this company and 20 professional partners, such as electricians, water workers, window makers, etc. After the sale, it will be necessary to replace the owner of the company in the position of director in a time volume of approximately 25 hours per week.

The company’s headquarters are located in rented premises, with four office rooms. The company owns various smaller construction equipment and office equipment (list below).

The company uses for its presentation and business activities several websites focused on its various services or goods and is also active on social networks. The company is registered in the public procurement database as an economic entity and implements the management system of the company ISO 9001.

The reason for the sale of the company by its owner is a change in the pace of life, so he wants to engage in other activities after more than 10 years.

Tangible assets

  • vibrating badge
  • 3x vibrator for concrete
  • smoothing laths
  • 3x demolition hammer
  • vibrating plate
  • 2x nailer
  • steel tie
  • equipment of four offices
  • multifunctional central printer
  • 5x notebook
  • 2x backup hard drive
  • Opel Insignia 2009
  • Citroen jumper 2009
  • Opel Combo 2006
  • Peugeot Partner 2006
  • scaffolding for an area of 200 m2
  • formwork

Intangible assets

  • 5x websites + social networks
  • database of architects
  • client database
  • registration in the public procurement database
  • know – how


Office space:

  • area: 42 m²
  • rent: 300 € / month


  • Director: 1x
  • Construction manager: 1x
  • Trade and calculations of buildings: 1x
  • Sale of foam glass: 1x
  • 10+ trade workers

Total annual turnover

  • 2020: 1,7 mil. €
  • 2019: 1,2 mil. €
  • 2018: 1,0 mil. €

Annual profit (EBITDA)

  • 2020: 100 thous. €
  • 2019: 55 thous. €
  • 2018: 43 thous. €

Other information

Company history: more than 10 years

Reason for sale: change of pace of life

Legal form: s.r.o.

Subject of sale: 100% share in s.r.o.


I am interested

Ing. Michal Volník


+420 702 929 980

If you are interested, contact us!

We will be happy to provide you with more detailed information after signing a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).