Production and sale of textile products with a long history

Trnavský region, Slovakia

listing nr.: 200021

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is no longer active
Valuation 1 433 000 € (35 100 000 CZK)
Net debtNet debt is an indicator of a company's indebtedness. It is expressed as the amount of the interest-bearing loan minus the cash in the company.
0 €
Revenues Revenues express the total annual volume of the company's performance, which the company obtained through the sale of goods and services during the accounting period.
1 102 000 €
HistoryDuration of business operation.
20+ years
EBITDA EBITDA is a financial indicator of the company's operational performance. Annual EBITDA is expressed as earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation in a given year.
on request
EmployeesThe number of employees employed in the company on a permanent employment contract as of the date of publication of the offer.

Basic information

The subject of sale is a manufacturing company in Slovakia, focused on the production and sale of fine textile goods and wholesale of textiles. The company has been operating for more than 25 years, during this time it has built a good name and a well-known brand in its field. It is one of the largest manufacturers in its field.

Most of the company’s production is directed to the domestic market, but part of the production is also exported to countries such as the Czech Republic, Germany or Ireland. The company has built a network of customers, including several retail chains and a number of smaller customers. The company has achieved a stable level of orders and sales in recent years and is not expected to decline in the coming years.

The company currently employs 30 employees, this number is seasonally supplemented by agency workers.

The company owns manufacturing real estate with an area of ​​more than 2000 square meters. According to the valuation report, the value of real estate with land is approximately 940 thousand. EUR. The value of the company’s technological equipment is estimated by the owners at approximately 500 thousand. EUR. The market value of assets without inventories is therefore at the level of approx. 1.4 – 1.5 mil. EUR.

The owners are selling their business mainly due to older age. The owners are, of course, willing to stay in the company for some time, so that the transition to the new owners will go smoothly.

Tangible assets

  • Technological equipment of the company
  • Cars

The value of the property is estimated at 500,000 EUR

Intangible assets

  • contracts with customers
  • client database
  • website, domains
  • know – how


Rel estate:

  • Manufacturing premises – 2 400 m²
  • Land – 6 459 m²

Value estimate:

  • Manufacturing premises 740.000,- EUR
  • Land cca 200.000,-EUR


  • 30 employees

Total annual turnover

  • 2019: 1,0 mil. EUR
  • 2018: 1,0 mil. EUR
  • 2017: 1,0 mil. EUR
  • 2016: 1,1 mil. EUR

Annual profit (EBITDA)

  • 2019: cca 10 tis. EUR
  • 2018: – 100 tis. EUR
  • 2017: – 10 tis. EUR

Other information

History: 25+ years

Reason for sale: age of the owners

Legal structure s.r.o.

Structure of the sale: 100% share in s.r.o.

I am interested

Ing. Tomáš Šuverík

managing director

+420 731 788 155

If you are interested, contact us!

We will be happy to provide you with more detailed information after signing a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).