Established distributor and retailer of home consumer electronics

Praha, Czechia

listing nr.: 230016

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is no longer active
Valuation 515 000 € (13 000 000 CZK)
Net debtNet debt is an indicator of a company's indebtedness. It is expressed as the amount of the interest-bearing loan minus the cash in the company.
158 000 €
Revenues Revenues express the total annual volume of the company's performance, which the company obtained through the sale of goods and services during the accounting period.
1 545 000 €
HistoryDuration of business operation.
20+ years
EBITDA EBITDA is a financial indicator of the company's operational performance. Annual EBITDA is expressed as earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation in a given year.
95 000 €
EmployeesThe number of employees employed in the company on a permanent employment contract as of the date of publication of the offer.

Basic information

The subject of sale is an established and successful importer and distributor of domestic consumer goods in the Czech Republic with long-term stable turnover and profitability. The company has a history of over 30 years, until now s.r.o. was transformed about 20 years ago. During its operation, the company has built up good brand awareness.

The company focuses on a price-competitive assortment, the company is able to purchase, efficiently import and sell goods with the same quality and utility as the same goods with a more expensive logo. We will tell interested parties the exact type of goods that the company specializes in after signing the NDA. Considering that the company is not large, it is able to react very quickly to changes in demand and import the currently required goods.

The big added value of the company is the long-term contracts with a number of retail chains, to which the company supplies its goods for a long time. Supermarkets, hobby markets and retail chains are typical customers of the company. In addition to wholesale, the company is also marginally engaged in direct sales to customers via the e-shop.

For its activities, the company rents a warehouse with an area of approximately 500 square meters 30 km from Prague and an office directly in Prague. Currently, the company has goods worth about 6 million CZK in stock. The turnover of goods is high, approx. 25% of the stock is already contracted for events in markets.

The company’s employee team is stable, the complete team will also be available to the new owner of the company. There are currently 3 employees working in the company’s office, and 4 storekeepers in the warehouse. The company also has its own sales representative in China, who helps the company with the purchase of suitable goods. A big plus is also our own solution for the transport and customs clearance of goods.

The new owner will have the opportunity to use the possibilities of further development both in the Czech Republic and abroad. The current owner is of course willing to stay with the company for a pre-agreed time and help with the takeover of the company.

Overview of the company’s financial results

Tangible property

  • equipment of office and warehouse
  • inventories worth CZK 6 million
  • passenger car
  • delivery

Intangible assets

  • long-term business relationships
  • contracts with markets
  • trademarks
  • business relations with large retail chains
  • experienced team of employees
  • website
  • know-how


Office and warehouse

  • area: approx. 60 + 500 m²
  • rent amount: 110 thousand CZK/monthly


  • office: 3x
  • stock: 4x


  • bank loan of CZK 4 million, due in October 2023

Total annual sales

  • 2019: CZK 37 million
  • 2020: CZK 45 million
  • 2021: CZK 57 million
  • 2022: CZK 59 million
  • 2023 : CZK 50 million

Operating EBITDA

  • 2019: CZK 1.7 million
  • 2020: CZK 4.3 million
  • 2021: CZK 6.1 million
  • 2022: CZK 3.7 million
  • 2023 (estimated): CZK 5.0 million

Note: Operating EBITDA was calculated as operating profit plus depreciation.

Other information

  • History: 30+ years
  • Reason for sale: owner’s age
  • Legal form: s.r.o.
  • Subject of sale: 100% share in s.r.o.
I am interested

Ing. Tomáš Šuverík

managing director

+420 731 788 155

If you are interested, contact us!

We will be happy to provide you with more detailed information after signing a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).