The subject of sale is a 100% share in a company operating an e-shop with household appliances and goods from the hobby and garden category. The company has been operating on the market for more than 20 years and is one of the medium-sized e-shops in its category. The company has a particularly strong position in the market for household electrical appliances. The company’s customer is typically the final consumer, the vast majority of customers are from the Czech Republic.
In previous years, the company generated stable sales at the level of CZK 120 million, in 2023, it recorded a decrease in consumer demand on the market, so turnover will drop to an estimated CZK 90 million. In the medium term, however, consumer demand is expected to return to standard levels.
The company operates from leased offices and uses leased warehouse space with an area of approximately 2,000 m². The sale includes all warehouse equipment, inventory, office hardware and company-owned automobiles.
The owner is currently mainly involved in the company’s strategy, processes and development, operative management is ensured by a team of 9 employees.
The reason for the sale is mainly the older age of the owner and the absence of a successor. The acquisition is suitable for a strategic or individual investor interested in operating in e-commerce. The current owner offers the possibility to stay as a manager for approx. 1 year.
Tangible property
Intangible assets
RentalsWarehouses, offices
Total annual sales
Operating EBITDA
Note: Operating EBITDA was calculated as operating profit before depreciation and after normalization. Other information
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