Engineering company specialized in the production of steel structures

Prešovský kraj, Slovakia

listing nr.: 240020

Photo is illustrative
Valuation 1 200 000 €
Net debtNet debt is an indicator of a company's indebtedness. It is expressed as the amount of the interest-bearing loan minus the cash in the company.
280 000 €
Revenues Revenues express the total annual volume of the company's performance, which the company obtained through the sale of goods and services during the accounting period.
1 700 000 €
HistoryDuration of business operation.
20+ years
EBITDA EBITDA is a financial indicator of the company's operational performance. Annual EBITDA is expressed as earnings before interest, taxes and depreciation in a given year.
80 000 €
EmployeesThe number of employees employed in the company on a permanent employment contract as of the date of publication of the offer.

Basic information

The subject of sale is a 100% share in a company focused on the production of steel structures. The company has been operating on the market for more than 20 years and during its existence has been ranked among the leading companies in the field of manufacturers of structures and technological equipment for industry. The company serves customers from a range of domestic companies, but it is increasingly oriented towards export to the countries of Western Europe.

The main activity of the company is custom and especially serial production and assembly of steel structures. Alternatively, the company also deals with CNC machining on modern machine tools, welding, material division and surface treatment of metals. The company is known on the market for high production quality and emphasis on innovative production methods. The company has dozens of references from customers from global industrial companies based abroad.

The company operates in production premises with an area of ​​approximately 8,000 square meters. The production premises are equipped with a modern machine portfolio, in which the company constantly invests. Regarding the real estate owned by the company, there is an assessment from several years ago, which estimates the value of the set of real estate at almost 650,000. EUR. The real estate is owned by a separate independent entity, which is also owned by the owner, and to which the company pays rent at the market rate. Therefore, two variants of the potential acquisition

are considered

  1. Sale of the company including real estate
    • in this variant, the subject of sale would also include an entity that owns real estate
    • The transaction would therefore also include real estate with a total value of min. 650 thousand EUR (practically, but higher, since this price was determined by an assessment only from 2019)
    • the price in this variant would be set at the mentioned EUR 1,200,000 for a 100% stake in both companies
  2. Sale of company without real estate
    • the company will remain on a long-term lease in the current premises
    • rent will continue under existing, market conditions (EUR 3,700 per month)
    • the price would be reduced by the value of the given properties, and would be determined on the basis of further individual negotiations

The reason for the sale is a generational change within the family of the owner of the company.

Overview of the company’s financial results


Tangible property

  • CNC press brake
  • CNC plasma cutting equipment
  • CNC cutter
  • CNC lathe
  • horizontal boring machine
  • universal cutters
  • point lathes
  • radial and bench drills
  • band saw

Intangible assets

  • long-term business relations
  • professional and trained work team
  • certifications and licenses
  • ISO 9001:2015
  • website
  • know-how

Real estate in property

Production area and administrative premises

  • area: 8,000 m2
  • estimated general value: EUR 427,000 (including land)

Production hall under construction

  • area: 4,700 m2
  • estimated general value: EUR 223,000 (including land)


  • 43 employees + self-employed


  • bank loans 280 thousand EUR

Total annual sales

  • 2021: 2.5 million EUR
  • 2022: 2.3 million EUR
  • 2023: 1.7 million EUR

Operating EBITDA

  • 2021: 80 thousand EUR
  • 2022: 95 thousand EUR
  • 2023: 80 thousand EUR

Note: EBITDA was calculated as the result of management from ordinary activities, net of sales from the sale of DHM and net of depreciation. EBITDA also includes the rent paid to the company that owns the real estate. In the case of a purchase in the variant with real estate, EBITDA would was higher.

Other information

  • History: 20+ years
  • Reason for sale: generational change within the owner’s family
  • Legal form: s.r.o.
  • Subject of sale: 100% share in s.r.o.
I am interested

Ing. Tomáš Šuverík

managing director

+420 731 788 155

If you are interested, contact us!

We will be happy to provide you with more detailed information after signing a non-disclosure agreement (NDA).